Free guide!

Looking for ways to generate more energy & success??

Look no further...this free energy booster guide is jam-packed with the tools you need to show up as your best self, as often as possible.

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    “One of my favorite things

    about Lauren's coaching is that everything she teaches makes sense, from taking care

    of yourself properly to never giving up on yourself, she applies life-long habits that

    I know are going to be a foundation to my everyday living. I have learned to enjoy

    life more, to take risks, and to live life to the fullest.”

    Jasmine Hare

    Vegas, NV

    What you get:

    Daily descriptions, journaling prompts, and challenges to keep you engaged & inspire you to take action!

    What is it all about?

    Your habits create your reality. Everything that you do each matter how seemingly small & insignificant...adds up over time. So while you may not think that meditating for 5 minutes a day, or drinking wine daily, exercising for 30 minutes, etc. makes a huge can actually make or break your ability to achieve your goals & desires.

    That’s why habit building is one of the foundational pieces to creating a business and life that is fulfilling & joyful.

    In this guide I walk you through 5 ways you can use your habits to generate more energy, vibrancy, productivity, and success in life...and in business!